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■What is a Picture-based Japanese Language Education?

Children with foreign roots often face difficulties in acquiring academic language in Japan. It is no surprise, as education for speaking, listening, reading and writing Japanese has not been adequate for those children. However, for children, learning academic language is not just a matter of becoming more fluent in Japanese. The lack of academic language skills may lead to the lack of development in cognitive skills during the youth, an important period of time when grow their ability to think.


We believe that in order for the children to grow healthily with high self-esteem, it is essential to let children express their power to think, practice logical thinking and organizing their thoughts in Japanese. When children are asked what they thought when they saw a picture, they tend to enjoy expressing their ideas, including the children who has trouble reading books. Pictures provide cues for children to think and talk, and our role in this program is to promote children’s efforts by providing language support.


In this program, we do not teach Japanese. Rather, we wait for the children to express their ideas and support them if they have difficulty using the proper form of language.


Children seem to have a rich seed of ideas within them. All they need is some chance to sprout and grow, eventually becoming fluent in using Japanese.







■The Goal of this Japanese Language Class -For the Parents-













We would like the parents to understand the goal of our classes, as it is not an ordinary class that follows school textbooks and as some parents tend to think that their child has no language problems because the child can speak well, sometimes even better than their parents.


There is a big difference between being able to speak Japanese and being able to participate in school’s learning activities, acquiring Japanese necessary for academic success. In learning activities, children must read and write in Japanese. Even if the children have no trouble speaking the language, because of the fact that their mother tongue is not Japanese, they tend to lack vocabulary and have trouble understanding what they learned in class. Those children are forced to “think” using inadequate Japanese, and some children come to feel like “thinking” or “speaking after thinking” is troublesome even though they have the power to do so. When we listen attentively to those children, we are often surprised by their rich ability to think.


We believe it is important to practice “thinking in Japanese,” “speaking what we think” and “organizing our thoughts in writing” over and over again. Through repeated practice, children become capable of properly expressing their ideas in Japanese. Most importantly, we believe that this practice leads to “developing the ability to think.”


We hope the children will grow like a large tree with deep roots by developing their ability to think while acquiring proper Japanese language skills.



■What We Do in Class

What we do in class depends on the level of children’s Japanese skills. For beginners, it may seem necessary to learn basic Japanese to enable minimum level of communication including reading and writing hiragana. However, we believe that children need to have chance to express their ideas in Japanese even if they cannot speak properly yet. That is why we begun the “Picture-based Japanese Language Education.” Currently, there are three main programs in our classes, which are analysis of pictures/picture books, question-and-answer game and retelling. Through the three programs, we build the cycle to “think logically in Japanese,” “speak what we thought in an understandable fashion” and “logically organize what we thought in writing.” Through practice, we believe that children will naturally become capable of thinking based on reasons and expressing their ideas in a comprehensive, proper Japanese.




Analysis of pictures/picture books

We begin by looking at a picture. Children will begin thinking about the season and time of the picture by looking at the entire picture before they go into the details. Questions like “what season do you think it is?” “Why did you think so?” well be repeated. Children may point at specific part of picture or simply say words that they know, letting us understand “what they thought.”

Click here for details (Japanese)

Question-and-answer game

We begin by asking questions like “do you like ___?” The goal of this program is to become capable of answering such questions with reasons. Eventually, the “answers” will be written down. The style of questions will gradually change. 

Click here for details (Japanese)


In this program, children will retell a story they heard in writing. It is not the same as writing the summary. Using “conjunctions,” children will connect paragraphs in a logical fashion to construct a story. We begin with a one-minute story. 

Click here for details (Japanese)

Scenes from our classes: summer class (Japanese)



Reference: Sanmori, Yurika. Gengo gijyutu kyouiku no taikei to shidou naiyou [Systems and Lectures of Language Skills Education], Tokyo: Meijitosho, 1996.



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